Tuesday, 22 May 2012

23. 05 . 2 0 1 2

from top to bottom: PRINT developed by me based off oil pastel doodles and boredom (falsified productivity) - second: PRINT developed for studio, third: random doodle - pointillism sinking in whilst listening to OSCAR AND MARTIN (soooo great, its unbelievable)

night night XX


using footage from:

le roi danse, the invisible world, editorials from THE ROOM (a brilliant hungarian magazine) - none of this i claim as my own. i just like downloading youtube videos and cutting them together in a collaging sort of method to create something new...

my head feels funny and warped - too tired to elaborate.

just some work for uni....:

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Monday, 7 May 2012


rick genest for schon magazine

banana rainbow snacks - yum, yum, yum

the mysterious cones of egypt!

where i want to be, where we want to be... maybe

sharif hanza - surfer cum mermaid girl styling

faustra ficcaponte - dolls series

the product of a random google search eeeeeek

 "the dress likes to write sculptural gestures in the air" by cocky eek


absofuckinglutely incredible - there is nothing more delicious to the eye than microscopic fungi/bacteria/organisms.....another landscape!! i used to love thinking about what life would be like if we were all tiny enough to be these organisms on some huge humanoid monster, so basically we are little bacteria/fungi/viral organisms running around, but i don't think we're as pretty as these ones.baaaaaaaaaaaah visual delights.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

rainbow witch fairy

i can't help but feel that if one was clawed by these, one would drip rainbow blood..
its this whole idea i'm fascinated with which is:

good taste versus bad

(as these would probably - no, clearly- be classified as bad taste)

but there's this super beautiful/intriguing component to it which i'm drawn to like some perverse magpie. its about excess and colour and embellishment.... 

- what is bad taste?

- who defines it?

there's also this concept of 'fashionable' that i kind of find embarrassing and awkward when people refer to others as 'fashionable'. i find its this strange view of being 'fashionable as 'glamorous' and 'overdressed', but i don't really relate that to fashion at all but i suppose its to do with the difference between clothes and fashion as well... so now its become a bit of a bad word in my head. 

 i see people wearing things that are so bad, its great (it always tends to be old asian men - layering a random assortment of clothing, so they look a licorice allsort of daggyness x BRILLIANCE)

... just a frothfest about what 'bad' taste i have.....and how i love it! will probably rant about it more at a later date, still thinking a lot about it.

AND LOOK!!!!! at these these hands of rainbow wrath/power/fear/magic - so - weird - (great? i am not sure yet...)

&& just to mix things up - a wig that was tagged as 'voodoo wig'. must have magic powers. 

all images; tumblr sourced... will happily give credit to anyone who created these claws of artwork

sartorial phone stalks

good looks that i like on good people that i like: 

jessie FUSEion

laura + sasha x twinsies

alice x witch babe


returning back to this world where i had a little cranny of the internet to myself. 
it is coming to that periodic time of the year where i crave being alone creating time...
let's try this again.

c o l l a g e : fungus face by me (amanda wong)
