Friday, 29 June 2012

ICONOGRAPHY - group art exhibition

Opening night... 13 July 6-9pm
14 - 29 July... Thurs & Fri 2 - 6pm; Sat & Sun 12-5pm

KIN Collaborative presents ICONOGRAPHY - a group exhibition including works by:
Tanya Cupic
Sasha Di Sipio
Belinda Jenkin
Montana Kitching
Alex Nitsikopoulos
Siena Stone
Alistair Walsh
John (Jack) Gower Walsh
Amanda Wong

Icons permeate society and have done so for centuries. From the Byzantine Madonna and Child to the modern day pop icon, what was once a term reserved for a religious image now also encompasses celebrity culture. But strip away the halo, the rosary and the Giuseppe Zanotti heels does the Icon remain?

Beyond these seemingly specific dimensions, Iconography also allows for the exploration of topics as varied as the power in a name, to the sheer transience of our existence. This diverse range of perceptions and interpretations, boldly explored by the artists, provides an eclectic and youthful reflection of this ageless theme.

For more information go to:


I'm working exhibition shifts on the 15th, 28th and 29th... come down and say hi, hang out, get complimentary conversation... will be fun. The 'sneaky peekys' I put up earlier are of paintings that I've got prepared for the exhibition so get on down!

Sneaky peeky of p a s s i o n p r o j e c ts!!

...................... a l l  w i l l  b e  e x p l a i n e d!!!!!!!!!

rainbow loving - Kirsten Zu

Berlin based photographer Kerstin Zu has done a killer killer photography shoot of  a rainbow wig on a model painted which which is reminiscent of a Grecian statue... such great photos, a slightly surreal feel and the one of the girl knitting! R A I N B O W H A I R - still can't get over anything rainbow, at all!!!

asidjasjdiojaosjdioajisdjisd - internal squirms of pleasure. 

 A magical spectrum of all that delights and amaze.. on another note I too have been in a rainbow world. Next post will explain all. 

(check out Kerstin's stuff here: Other super great things to look at!)

Rainbow love and smooches 

Sunday, 17 June 2012

why i've been so absent..

a wee video I made for university, showcasing my first collection 'Surprise Surprise' for second year..... made it in about a day hopped up on Red BULLL!!!! never again will I drink a litre, my fingers keep stumbling. 

CREDITS: Music - Bizness by tUnE-yArds
listen to them - they are my new favourite.

many thanks and wet kisses to:
Leanza Tang for doing HAIR
& Lana Nguyen for lending her body, attic and father's techie skills to the little video.
(also for all the fun times. we must do strange video shoots again.. with lots of bubble wrap.)

enjoy, my little chickpea(s)?